AQSE Access Rule 4.14

The company was incorporated on December 9, 2010 and registered in Spain in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid in Volume 43321, Folio 89 with C.I.F. A-98306228.

María de Molina, 41 - 28006 Madrid (Spain)

AQSE Corporate Advisor
First Sentinel Corporate Finance
BME Registered Advisor

The Company's A and B shares are traded on the Access segment of the Growth Market of the Aquis Stock Exchange.

Ticker Symbol
Class A: SAI
Class B: SAI.B

Class A: ES0105650008
Class B: ES0105650073

Shares in issue
Class A: 100,611,739*
Class B: 138,638,460

*There are currently 7,407,407 Class A shares held in treasury.

Securities in public hands
Class A: 54.69%
Class B: 17,05%

Warrants in issue
Class A:  4,123,300 (4.42% dilution)Class B: 0

There are no restrictions on the transfer of A or B Shares.

Major shareholders

Class A shares 

Shareholders Class A shares held % of shares owned
Yaro Investment Holding, LTD. 13,012,787 12.93%
JMSAN Global Financial Agents, S.L.* 5,336,085 5.30%
Leandro Daniel Harillo 8,267,716 8.22%
Juan Pablo Di Pietro 8,267,716 8.22%
United General, LTD. 6,499,665 6.46%

*The beneficial owners of Jmsan Agentes Financieros Globales SL are Lorenzo Serratosa and José Iván García, members of the Board of Directors.

Class B shares

Shareholder Class B shares held % ownership
Mr. Juan José Esteve Pous 37,487,840 27.04%
United General, LTD. 12,990,424 9.37%
Mr. Francesc Xavier Ramos 12,532,917 9.04%
Indico Investments and Managements, S.L. 10,481,068 7.56%
Yaro Investment Holding, LTD. 10,481,068 7.56%




October 18, 2024
Substrate to Delist from the AQSE Growth Market, Remains Listed on BME Growth Market

October 7, 2024
Completion of delivery order under agreement with SESPA by Diagximag

September 12, 2024
Treasury stock and employee incentive payments (Part 2)

July 31, 2024
TR-1: Notification of major holdings (English version) 

July 31, 2024
Investment agreement with UNITED GENERAL, Ltd. (English version) 

July 29, 2024
Substrate AI - Results of Extraordinary General Meeting 29 july 2024 (English version)

July 25, 2024
Substrate Artificial - Issue of equity 25 july 2024 (English version)

July 18, 2024
Trading update for the period ended 30 june 2024 (English version)

July 11, 2024
Fundraise and Capital Increase (English version)

June 25, 2024
Announcement Extraordinary General Meeting (English version)

June 24, 2024
Results of Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting (English version)
Results of Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting Full Version (English version)

June 18, 2024
Significant participations June 2024 (English version)

May 17, 2024
Announcement of general shareholders' meeting (English version)

May 13, 2024
Substrate Artificial - Bond conversion (T 14) (English version)

April 12, 2024
Substrate Artificial - Strategy update and forecast 2024 (English version)

March 21, 2024
Substrate Artificial - Substrate AI launches investment round for its subsidiary, Subgen AI Ltd.

March 20, 2024
Substrate Artificial - Issue of Convertible Bonds and Warrants (English version)

March 12, 2024
Substrate Artificial - Acquisition of 21% of share capital in Binit and Deltanova (English version)

March 1, 2024
Substrate Artificial - Transaction in own shares (English version)

February 28, 2024
Substrate Artificial - Trading update for the period ended 31 december 2023 (English version)

February 22, 2024
Substrate Artificial - Bond Conversion (English Version)

February 13, 2024
Substrate Artificial - Supplementary Information Investment agreement with INDICO INVESTMENTS AND MANAGEMENT, SL.

February 9, 2024
Substrate Artificial - Investment agreement with INDICO INVESTMENTS AND MANAGEMENT, SL.

February 6, 2024
Substrate Artificial - Issue of equity (English version)

February 1, 2024
Substrate Artificial - Cancellation of class B share repurchase plan (English Version)

January 26, 2024
Substrate Artificial - Class B own share repurchase program (English Version)

January 24, 2024
Substrate Artificial - General shareholders' meeting resolutions (English version)

January 18, 2024
Substrate Artificial - Issue of Convertible Bonds and Warrants (English Version)

January 11, 2024
Substrate Artificial - Issue of equity (English version)

December 28, 2023
Bond Conversion Communication (T12) (English version)

December 27, 2023
New projections year 2023 (English Version) 

December 20, 2023
Substrate - Issue of Equity (English version)

December 19, 2023
Substrate AI - Shareholder Meeting (English version)

December 19, 2023
Substrate AI - Investment agreement and issue of equity (English version)

November 10, 2023
Substrate Artificial - Issue of Convertible Bonds and Warrants (English Version)

November 6, 2023
Substrate Artificial - Interim Results (English Version)

November 3, 2023
Substrate Artificial - Acquisition of BINIT SRL and DELTANOVA SA (English Version)




Substrate AI believes that good corporate governance is an essential factor for the generation of value, the improvement of economic efficiency and the reinforcement of investor confidence, through an adequate segregation of functions, duties and responsibilities among the company's governing and administrative bodies.

Substrate AI has an organizational structure and an internal control system that allows it to comply with the reporting obligations imposed by Circular 3/2020, of July 30, on information to be provided by companies listed for trading in the BME Growth segment of BME MTF Equity.

The Issuer's management team has the necessary experience and training to ensure the Issuer's compliance with these obligations. It is formed by Lorenzo Serratosa, Chairman of the Issuer, José Iván García, CEO of the Issuer, and Nicolás Damiá Serratosa, CFO of the Issuer..

Conflict of interest
The issuer has approved a Conflict of Interest Policy which forms part of the corporate governance system and is intended to establish the procedures to be followed in the prevention or, as the case may be, treatment of conflicts of interest in which shareholders, members of the Board of Directors, Executives and other employees may find themselves in their relations with the Company, as well as with respect to conflicts that may arise with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.

Aquis Rules Compliance Committee
Formed by Lorenzo Serratosa, Nicolás Damiá, Marta Gómez (Administration Manager) and Carmen Damiá (CMO) and is responsible for ensuring that the Company complies with the listing and ongoing rules of the Access segment of the Aquis Stock Exchange Growth Market..

Audit Committee
In addition, the issuer has an internal audit committee reporting to the board of directors and chaired by directors Jesús Mota and Christopher Dembik, which is responsible for the following tasks on a monthly basis:

  • To report to the General Shareholders' Meeting on matters within its competence.
  • Supervise the effectiveness of the Company's internal control, internal audit and risk management systems, including tax risks, and discuss with the auditor any significant weaknesses in the internal control system detected during the audit.
  • Supervise the process of preparation and presentation of mandatory financial information.
  • To submit to the Board proposals for the selection, appointment, reappointment and replacement of the auditor, as well as the terms and conditions of his engagement, and to regularly gather information on the audit plan and its execution, in addition to preserving his independence in the performance of his duties.
  • Establish the appropriate relations with the auditor to receive information on those matters that may jeopardize its independence, for examination by the Committee, and any other matters related to the process of auditing the accounts, as well as any other communications provided for in the legislation on auditing the accounts and in the auditing standards.
  • To issue annually, prior to the issuance of the audit report, a report expressing an opinion on the independence of the auditor.
  • To be aware of the tax policies applied by the Company.
  • Oversee the implementation of the Company's corporate social responsibility policy and monitor corporate social responsibility strategy and practices.
  • Evaluate those issues related to the Company's non-financial risks, including operational, technological, legal, social, environmental, political and reputational risks, as well as coordinate the reporting process of non-financial information.
  • To report, in advance, to the Board on all matters provided for in the law, the Bylaws and the Board Regulations and, in particular, on:
  • The financial information that the Company must periodically make public;
  • The creation or acquisition of shares in special purpose entities or entities domiciled in countries or territories that are considered tax havens; and transactions with related parties.


C/ María de Molina, 41
Office 503, 28006 Madrid

C/ Correos, 10 - Pta. 7
46002 Valencia

706 Gunsmoke Dr. Bailey
Colorado 80421

11 + 6 =